‘The Garden tablecloth’ for Babylonstoren

The intent with the design was to capture the sensory, tactile experience of wandering through the garden – with all senses engaged, from the feel of soil beneath one’s feet to the aromatic scent of herbs hanging in the air, all enveloped in a tapestry of texture.
The Babylonstoren garden presents a breathtaking tableau from a bird’s-eye perspective. However, its beauty is most intimately experienced on foot, as visitors meander along diverse paths, each discovering their journey through this unique landscape. The garden embodies a multi-layered experience, equally mesmerising from above as it is from within, cherished by all who traverse its grounds.
As a tangible reflection of this experience, the limited-edition heirloom piece, intricately embroidered in the garden layout’s lines and textures. This tactile souvenir extends the garden’s nourishing journey to the dining table, translating the essence of Babylonstoren’s farm-to-fork philosophy.

Photo credit: Babylonstoren
Babylonstoren store